Alienated |Performance Art| is an emerging dance company from Tilburg, led by choreographer Kelly Vanneste and managing director Martijn Schipper. Alienated combines contemporary dance with elements from circus such as acrobatics and object manipulation.

From April 28 through May 8, Alienated will be in residence at House of Panama to work on their new performance Machinergy. A performance about dependence and autonomy in a world where technology is increasingly present.

During this residency, Alienated will dive deeper into partnering work in which dependency and autonomy are highlighted. It will explore how the use of hands and way of gripping affect the collaboration of the two dancers.

On Wednesday May 8 there will be a presentation moment where some of the work will be shown. Afterwards, Alienated will talk to the audience about what they have witnessed and experienced.

You’re welcome om Wednesday May 8, from 17.00 till 18.00h, in the Panama Pictures studio ( Beverspijken 5c, 5221 EE ‘s-Hertogenbosch). Admission is free, but please register via this form.

This residency is made possible by House of Panama, Makersfonds Tilburg en Impulsgelden Noord-Brabant