Dynamic, unpolished and at times spectacular, but also vulnerable and intimate. Panama Pictures makes performances on the cutting edge of dance and circus in which the disciplines blend effortlessly with one another and personal stories literally start to move.
A new universe is created for each performance. Dance and acrobatics intertwined with classical music, electronic beats and vocals.
The company draws its audience along with it into a sensory and physical story about universal themes. Choreographer Pia Meuthen finds her inspiration in literature and philosophy, translating her sources of inspiration into poetic images. The work touches the audience with its great physical impact and the underlying humanity throughout. She depicts worlds that are recognisable to the viewer, but also allow for their own interpretation.
The performances are created through improvisation on the basis of thorough research and carried by the personalities of the charismatic performers; an international cast of dancers and circus artists with varying ages and backgrounds.
“Her performances, about people and their emotions, are recognisable and layered. Essential questions are explored and answered. How do we relate to each other? Who are we really? Pia Meuthen and her inspiring dancers give shape to it, showing what everyone feels but no one can name. “(Laudatio award Prins Bernhard Cultuurprijs)
In October 2018, Pia Meuthen received the Prins Bernhard Cultuurprijs Noord-Brabant for her unique and impressive oeuvre. ‘Pia Meuthen has enriched Brabant with stimulating performances of unprecedented eloquence’, according to jury chairperson Esmeralda Huizen.
Panama Pictures is based in the Netherlands and has been recognised both nationally and internationally and rewarded with selections for various dance networks. The company is a welcome guest at festivals in countries such as Germany, Poland, Russia, Norway, Spain, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.
Panama Pictures is the resident company of the Verkadefabriek in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and is structurally supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL, the province of Noord-Brabant and the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The majority of the work is co-produced by Strijbos & Van Rijswijk, the regular composers of Panama Pictures.