From on the 12th of October we have try-outs for our new performance Requiem for Lost Things. A performance about what we lose and the enigmatic logic of our memory. In Requiem for Lost Things the charismatic dancers and acrobats: Tarek Rammo, Francesco Barba, Jefta Tanate, Nilda Martinez and Fabian Krestel meet each other in parallel worlds.

Architectural installation
A special architectural set designed by Sammy van den Heuvel divides the space into different layers. In this own universe, the men challenge each other with exciting air and floor acrobatics and find comfort in solidarity.

Exciting musical encounter
Panama Pictures asked its permanent composers duo Strijbos & Van Rijswijk to make a new composition in which their electronic soundscape enters into a dialogue with the clarinet and double bass by Han Stubbe and Hannes d’Hoine (from the famous Antwerp DAAU).

On October the 25th is the premiere of Requiem for Lost Things in the Verkadefabriek.